A maximum of 50 total items may be checked out at a time.
Item | Checkout Period | Renewable | Overdue Fine |
Books | 21 days | 2x | 10¢ / day |
New Books | 14 days | 2x | 25¢ / day |
DVDs & Blu-rays | 7 days | 2x | 25¢ / day |
Books on CD, Playaways, Music CDs | 21 days | 2x | 10¢ / day |
Magazines [except current issue] | 21 days | Not renewable | -0- |
Playaway Launchpad or View | 21 days | 2x | $1 / day |
Tonies, CD Player, FM Bluetooth Transmitter | 21 days | 2x | $1 / day |
Wifi Hotspots, Chromebooks, GoPro, Roku, iPads | 21 days | 2x | $10 / day |
Placing Holds
Cardholders may request that books, movies and other materials that are currently checked out to other customers be held for them when they are returned. Patrons may also place holds on available items from home to be put aside.
Holds are limited to 25 per library card. Once a hold becomes ready for pickup, you will be notified by phone or by email, depending upon your preference. Once the hold is ready for pickup, it will be held for three days.
How To Place a Hold
How to Place Multiple Holds
Freezing Holds
If circumstances arise in which you will not be able to pickup your holds for a certain period of time, you may choose to “freeze” your holds and they will not activate for pickup until you are ready to “unfreeze” them.
You can freeze and unfreeze holds from the Holds tab on My Bookshelf.
Once the hold is frozen, if they come up in the hold queue, the hold will skip them and move to the next in line. When you “unfreeze” the holds, you will return to your former place in line.
Lost or Damaged materials
Library materials should be returned in good condition. Replacement and processing fees will be assessed to the borrower account for items returned with damages. Damage includes but is not limited to:
- Water damage
- Burned or ripped covers, cases or pages
- Ripped or removed labels or barcodes
- Dirt, sand, food or other substances adhered to materials
- Highlighting or underlining of text
- Bed bugs or other pests
Replacing a Lost or Damaged Item
If a borrowed item is lost or damaged, you may choose to take one of the following actions:
- Pay the cost of the item as listed in the library’s database.
- Purchase a BRAND NEW replacement.
If paying the cost of the item, refunds can only be issued if the original item is returned within 30 days of payment.
If purchasing a NEW replacement item, the replacement MUST be an exact match in title and format (eg. hardcover to replace a hardcover). For books, request the ISBN from library staff to help find an exact match. If the item is out of print, an exception may be made or you may be asked to purchase the newer version of the item.
For the replacement of digital devices, please contact Amanda Gilbertie, Head Librarian.