Utility Assistance

Low income households may be eligible for assistance with heating, gas, electric, water, and internet costs.

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)

The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) helps Connecticut residents afford to heat their homes. Applications for CEAP typically take 30-45 minutes. Basic benefits towards your heating bill range between $410 and $1,015 depending on your situation. These benefits are usually paid directly to your utility company or fuel supplier. Households that heat with deliverable fuels like oil or propane may be eligible for multiple free tank fills.

You may also qualify for heating shut-off protections, become eligible to sign up for a payment plan to reduce your primary utility heating costs, and receive free heating equipment replacement and/or repairs.

The program is administered by Connecticut’s Department of Social Services in partnership with local Community Action Agencies (CAAs) throughout the state.


211 Utility Assistance

Find nearby energy and utility assistance programs, as well as agencies to submit issues regarding your utility service provider.

Low Income Household Water Assistance Program

Households with annual income at or below 60 percent of the state median income can qualify for this one-time water assistance benefit. Covered services include restoration of household water services to eligible disconnected homes; reduction of arrearages (overdue water bills); and prevention of service disconnection.

Help is available for both household water and wastewater bills from participating water suppliers and wastewater service providers. There is no financial asset limit to qualify; rather, the application considers current household income. Eligible households can qualify for up to $1,000 in water assistance if they have disconnected service or are behind on bills.


Operation Fuel

Operation Fuel is a private, nonprofit energy assistance program for those needing emergency help with their utility and energy bills year-round and who aren’t receiving other state or federal assistance.

Before you apply for Operation Fuel assistance, you need to gather proof of the last four weeks of income for all household members, the name of your fuel vendor (if you are a deliverable fuel customer), or your utility bill and payment history (if you are an electric, gas, and water customer).

Operation Fuel